The Game is On!

Episode 4 – The Adventure of the Missing Note

A group of anarchists are threatening to post online top secret information from every European government. A digital music file, with a string of garbled metadata attached, may contain a clue to the group’s location. As always, Sherlock Holmes and John Watson are ready to start a new adventure … but will they resolve it? One thing is certain … The Game is On!


At the following URL you can download the annotated script of The Adventure of the Missing Note.


Case Files

Supplementary educational materials providing points of discussion about copyright for teachers and students. In particular, these Case Files offer points of discussion around music copyright.


28. The Musician and the Machine

28. The Musician and the Machine

In this Case File #28, we consider how copyright protects music and sound recordings – two different categories of copyright work.

29. The Double Score

29. The Double Score

In Case File #29 we explore the different kinds of permission one may need when making use of someone else’s music in a film or video.

30. The Creative Copy

30. The Creative Copy

In this Case File #30, we consider the concept of self-plagiarism and how it relates to creativity and copyright.


Teaching Notes

Each Case File comes with a set of Teaching Notes. The Teaching Notes provide clearly defined teaching aims as well as key questions and suggestions for additional activities. We hope these will help teachers plan active, engaging lessons. You can download the Teaching Notes of The Adventure of the Missing Note at the following links:

Case File #28 – The Musician and the Machine (teaching note)
Case File #29 – The Double Score (teaching note)
Case File #30 – The Creative Copy (teaching note)





Written, Produced and Directed by Ronan Deazley and Bartolomeo Meletti
Art Direction / Design / Animation: Marco Bagni
Illustrations: Ilaria Urbinati
Character Design: Davide Bonazzi
Music: Pietro Bartolotti, Adriano Cirillo, Filippo Terni
Additional Music / SFX: Sarc:o
Voice-over Artists ( Sherlock Holmes – Cliff Chapman; Blue Fairy – Aislinn De’ath; Mycroft Holmes – Nick Sampson; John Watson – Andy Scratch


Case Files

Authors: Ronan Deazley and Bartolomeo Meletti
Editor: Ronan Deazley
Design: Marco Bagni
Production: Bartolomeo Meletti



The Adventure of the Missing Note was made possible by generous contributions from the following organisations:


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The Game is On! – Ep. 1

The Game is On! – Ep. 1

In a fictional land called London, Sherlock Holmes and John Watson meet a curious client: the toymaker Joseph …

The Game is On! – Ep. 2

The Game is On! – Ep. 2

When Holmes and Watson receive a letter from Mary Westmacott, a new adventure at the border between illusion and reality is just about to start.

The Game is On! – Ep. 3

The Game is On! – Ep. 3

Sherlock Holmes and John Watson are being interrogated about the details of their latest case! A film star is missing …