19. What should I do if I receive a copyright infringement notice?
The textual content of the website has been produced by leading copyright academics and is intended to be accurate and authoritative. However, it does not constitute legal advice. If you have received a copyright infringement notice, you might need professional legal advice.
In the Enforcement section you can find useful guidance on what you can if someone has accused you of copyright infringement. But again, please note that it does not constitute legal advice.
Also, you can contact the Citizens Advice Bureau, which provides free, independent and confidential advice: http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/
Terms & Conditions
Terms and conditions are a set of rules. These rules generally form a contract between you, the user, and the service provider, whose website you are visiting.
Legal Access
It does not matter whether you are dealing with a video clip, text, music, photos or computer icons, if you want to make sure your use is lawful, you need to have accessed that material legally.
Useful guidance on what you can do if you think someone has infringed your copyright, or if someone has accused you of copyright infringement.